History and Architecture of Palazzo Colonna

Palazzo Colonna is one of the largest and most beautiful palaces in Rome. Its construction began in the 14th century and lasted for several centuries, making the palace a mosaic of different architectural styles. The palace was built by the powerful Colonna family. They played a significant role in the history and politics of Rome for centuries. What distinguishes Palazzo Colonna from other monuments in Rome? Above all, the extraordinary history of the Colonna family, who have lived in the palace for over 800 years, making it one of the longest-inhabited private residences in Europe.

The magnificent Galleria Colonna is one of the most precious places in Palazzo Colonna. It was completed in the second half of the 17th century. This true baroque masterpiece astonishes with its richness of decorations, impressive ceiling frescoes, and a unique collection of art, including paintings, sculptures, and antiques. It is worth paying attention to the fresco depicting the victory of the Christian fleet over the Turks in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. The fleet was commanded by Mercantonio II Colonna.

palazzo colonna palazzo colonna

One of the most famous paintings that we will see during our visit to Palazzo Colonna is certainly the one depicting a man eating beans, by Annibale Carracci. In addition, we will see works by, for example, Jacopo Tintoretto, Rubens, and Perugino. The interiors are in excellent condition. Palazzo Colonna is one of the few that avoided being looted and destroyed during the sack of Rome in 1527 (sacco di Roma).

The palace includes gardens. They are directly accessible from the gallery. The fountains operate even in winter, and the view from the upper terrace is magnificent.

rome's gardens

Palazzo Colonna – Visit

The Colonna family still resides in the palace. They open their home to visitors on Saturday mornings, from 9:30 AM to 1:15 PM. The entrance is located at Via della Pilotta 17. No prior reservation is required; tickets can also be purchased on-site. At the door, visitors are assisted by a person presenting the ticket options. They are then directed to the ticket office. There are two types of tickets:

  • 15 euros – Colonna Gallery, Pio apartments, and gardens
  • 25 euros – The same + Princess Isabella’s apartments

If possible, it’s worth purchasing the more expensive ticket. The Isabella’s apartments occupy the entire ground floor; with the cheaper ticket, you will only see the first floor.

There is also the option to tour the palace with a guide. Groups are available exclusively on Fridays:

  • In Italian: 9:30, 10:00, 10:30
  • In English: 10:00
  • In French: 10:30

On Fridays, entrance is through Piazza S.S. Apostoli 66, and the ticket cost is 30 euros. The guided tour lasts about 2 hours.

rome attractions

Free restrooms are available on the premises of Palazzo Colonna. You can rest on a bench by the fountain in the inner courtyard. It’s a good idea to check the latest information on the palace’s official website.

Also, read my articles on the Trajan’s Market, Vicus Caprarius, Case Romane del Celio, and the Museum of Forma Urbis.